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Appetizer Spoon

Appetizer Spoon
Appetizer Spoon
Customize your own unique flatware

Appetizer Spoon

Item No.: 200740
Price of your selection
  • Free Shipping for Orders over 200 EUR/USD
Dolce Vita
Steak Knife American Size
Meat Fork Michelangelo
Knife Rest (configurator)
Chopstick Rest (configurator)
Appetizer Spoon
cutlery rest cm. 10x8
Micro Bowl
Micro Fork
Steak knife Stainless Steel
Lobster Cracker Uni
Lobster Fork Uni
Golf Club Mixer Spoon (configurator)
Tongs For Escargot (configurator)
Snail Fork Uni (configurator)
Cheese Fork
Cheese Knife Happy
Parmesan Cheese knife
Fantasia Black (Nero - N6)
Fantasia Blue (Blu - B6)
Fantasia Grey (Vicuna - I6)
Fantasia White (Porcellana - W6)
Fantasia Light Blue (Azzurro - A6)
Fantasia Tabacco (Tabacco - M6)
Fantasia Sage (Salvia - S6)
Fantasia Turtle Dove (Tortora - T6)
Fantasia Vanilla (Vaniglia - L6)
Fantasia Light Mauve (Ciclamino - B7)
Fantasia Sesame (Sesamo - D6)
Fantasia Lavender (Lavanda - D7)
Fantasia Electric Blue (Blu Elettrico - K7)
Fantasia Petroleum (Petrolio - N7)
Fantasia Sugar Paper (Carta da Zucchero - M7)
Fantasia Cobalt (Cobalto - C6)
Fantasia Yellow (Giallo - G6)
Fantasia Sunflower (Girasole - J6)
Fantasia Ocher (Ocra - O7)
Fantasia Orange (Arancio - O6)
Fantasia Carrot (Carota - F7)
Fantasia Rust (Ruggine - R6)
Fantasia New Coral (Nuovo Corallo - C7)
Fantasia Red (Rosso - S7)

Mepra was created in 1947 by the Prandelli brothers, the first factory to produce 18/10 stainless steel flatware in Lumezzane. Throughout the new generations, the Prandelli family has been actively engaged in pursuing this passion: Our creations are found on the tables of the most prestigious hotels and restaurants in the world.

Passion for Beauty cannot be totally industrial. For Mepra, true industry means the most sophisticated technologies at the service of the artisan who ultimately decides, remodels, crafts, forges and makes each product unique. No Mepra product can exist without the heart of who create it.

At Mepra all these years have not passed in vain. Everyday, skilled craftsman and qualified engineers expriment and research, using their time to improve and innovate, in search of what on paper looks impossible to achieve.

Every item is available in 3 different finishings (mirror polished, ice and peltro) and 6 colors (stainless steel, gold, black, bronzo, champagne, rainbow).

  • Stainless Steel
    Stainless Steel
  • Oro (gold)
    Oro (gold)
  • Oro Nero (black)
    Oro Nero (black)
  • Bronzo
  • Champagne
  • Silverplated
  • Mirror polished
    Mirror polished
  • Ice (brushed)
    Ice (brushed)
  • Peltro (vintage)
    Peltro (vintage)
  • Mirror polished
    Mirror polished
  • Ice (brushed)
    Ice (brushed)
  • Peltro (vintage)
    Peltro (vintage)
  • Mirror polished
    Mirror polished
  • Ice (brushed)
    Ice (brushed)
  • Peltro (vintage)
    Peltro (vintage)
  • Mirror polished
    Mirror polished
  • Ice (brushed)
    Ice (brushed)
  • Peltro (vintage)
    Peltro (vintage)
  • Mirror polished
    Mirror polished
  • Ice (brushed)
    Ice (brushed)
  • Peltro (vintage)
    Peltro (vintage)
  • Mirror polished
    Mirror polished
  • Ice (brushed)
    Ice (brushed)
  • Peltro (vintage)
    Peltro (vintage)

You could choose between 3 types of finishing (surface treatment).

  • Mirror polished: high gloss shinny polished
  • Ice: matte brushed, you see the lines from the brushing tool from top to bottom
  • Peltro: also a matte finishing but has a vintage/stonewashed look

Personalise your flatware by added text or your logo. By default all items will be engraved. Do you want only 1 item engraved or something special please let us know and we have our technicians have a look at it.

Characters left: 20

Personalise your flatware by added text or your logo. By default all items will be engraved. Do you want only 1 item engraved or something special please let us know and we have our technicians have a look at it.

Personalise your flatware by added text or your logo. By default all items will be engraved. Do you want only 1 item engraved or something special please let us know and we have our technicians have a look at it.

Personalise your flatware by added text or your logo. By default all items will be engraved. Do you want only 1 item engraved or something special please let us know and we have our technicians have a look at it.

Personalise your flatware by added text or your logo. By default all items will be engraved. Do you want only 1 item engraved or something special please let us know and we have our technicians have a look at it.

By default we pack your order in a carton box depending on the items/set you have chosen.

When you like you could add one of the wooden boxes to store your unique cutlery.

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Customer service We love to help

Personal advice

Our products are not standard, so neither is our advice. Depending on your demands and wishes we will personalize your products exactly the way you want them. Mepra products with your personal touch!

Lifetime warranty

Because of the way we design, build and test our flatware, we are confident that we make products that are the very best. If you have any problem with our flatware? We will solve it the best way we can.

Support to customers

You can book now an online meeting with one of our sales executives. They are there to help you with all your questions.
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Worldwide shipping

Today Mepra products appear on the tables of the most prestigious hotels all around the world and private homes. We are used to international shipping. More information can be found on the shipping page.